
Working across half a dozen schools along with Hull College and University of Hull, we started with workshops and discussions that revealed some wonderful truths about reluctant Uni recruitment from hard-to-reach communities.

Clue - it isn't all about "student debt"!


Collectives of schools, colleges and Universities across the UK are tasked with improving recruitment from hard-to-reach communities - in particular the white working class males.

My application to make a feature film on these issues was well received and supported, generating its own research.


People worked on their own characters in a series of workshops.

These were shared and natural groups emerged where storylines could intertwine.  Different schools came to the fore during this process with a lot of positive engagement and superbly strange ideas!


People brought a range of true-life stories which were used in the development of the "script".

Rehearsals became filmed and in this way we were able to transition comfortably towards production.

And we also discovered some great locations around - and under - the schools.


The project used a range of branding - for discussion workshops, actor auditions, disseminating research data.

This meant we could protect the film's title so that it emerged from the young people's real stories and ideas.

A community feature film is owned and treasured by all.


Young people often struggle through a life where they have little actual control in their day to day situations.

Working on the film gave chance to safely play with these scenarios

We had to keep going through cliche responses before reaching the details of authentic real life.

some edit preparation for OPPORTUNITY

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